Marketing Sterling Bridge (Part One)

I love writing in every way, even marketing blurbs. I am learning, however, that a grassroots effort of word-of-mouth may be a more effective way to reach the audience that would most be interested in reading my first published novel, “Sterling Bridge.”

Sterling Bridge Flyers


This weekend I passed out 400 flyers (at three different book-lover locations). I am so excited to share my work with the world, but I need your help. If you are a fan of this blog, please help me by letting everyone you know that you know about a new book, and about a nice guy that happens to be a new author.

I am satisfied knowing that the writing is good and the product will speak for itself. It is fun to think about conversations we will have once you get a chance to read the actual writing. I look forward to that. While I would prefer to turn most of my attention to the writing of my next great novel, I will continue to invest significant time in writing such as this, to further converse about and promote “Sterling Bridge.” Authors are now responsible for marketing their own books more than ever before, after all. But I have found that good marketing can thrive without a good novel to market, while a good novel cannot thrive without good marketing. And yet I wonder if my efforts are best served. Sounding my megaphone to the world as far and wide as my voice will reach, will never be more effective than enlisting more voices.

In order for people to be able to appreciate a good piece of American literature, they must first know about it. Think of all of the classic authors in time who told everyone they know that they are a writer, but whose works were not truly appreciated until after their death. Although it might sound too dramatic, I hope to be discovered while I am yet alive and to see people’s joy in my work. So here I am doing my best to get the word out to you, all of my friends. Yes, you could even say it is a shameless attempt to plead that you will tell ears my voice cannot reach. Truth is–no matter how great my writing is or isn’t–in a day of instant information and social media, I know it will be far more effective if the 50 people in the sound of my voice each share with 50 others of their friends, and especially when the ripple effect continues from there.

If you like heroes you will like “Sterling Bridge.” If you like a tale of undying friendship you will like “Sterling Bridge.” If you like being transported back in time to experience realities of a different time, like the Great Depression, from a vantage point of hope and lessons learned you will like “Sterling Bridge.” If you like true courage against daunting odds and circumstances you will like “Sterling Bridge.”  Basically if you like a good story you will like “Sterling Bridge.”

Chances are if you like “Sterling Bridge,” then your friends will too.

At least let them know about your new discovery. They can pre-order it through or It will be available on the shelves at all major outlets beginning November 10th. There will also be a book launch, book signings, news articles, maybe radio and video spots to look forward to. For now, I’m just hoping if you have heard “Sterling Bridge” is coming out that you are excited enough to share the news with your friends. The release date is almost here, just a couple months away.

So what can you do right now that would help put “Sterling Bridge” on the map? Share this blog with your friends. (I’d love to hear what ways you were able to pass the news along). AND…

Click here to download flyers you can pass out to anyone who might be interested in a good story. Every little bit helps. Thank you, kindly!

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