
Welcome to my stories from everyday life! Here I share memory prompts and free-write about experiences, which forms the basis to bring creative works to life. Follow along, and remember your own tales!

Sharing Life’s Tales – aka Anecdoting

These stories originally started as a weekly blog called It was patterned after the prompts given in a get to know you game by the name of Anecdoting that I created about sharing life’s tales or memories. Here’s a snapshot of the original blog concept.

You may still send me your stories if you would like in the comment section. I will definitely consider publishing them so we can have a community of stories we can relate to in various shared experience style categories of life. If nothing else, I suggest you keep your own writer’s journal of your life’s experiences, even if like me it is more of a memoir than a daily journal, so you don’t forget those inspirational gems you can then use for other creative works as I am doing here.

Disclaimer: This section is free writing and free stories for your reading enjoyment. They are not intended to be polished works, but rather helpful in prompting memories to use for creating true-to-life stories in other works to come. Although it is just for fun, the best stories often can’t be made up, so if you have a great story to share don’t hold back. Send it in and don’t worry about the writing aspect. Let others enjoy your tale. Chances are an idea for creating an even greater story will result!

Archived Blog Landing Page

Welcome to, an interactive blog, featuring stories from you and me, Chad Robert Parker, author of “Sterling Bridge.” Join me each week reading and sharing interesting stories from our everyday lives. Here’s how:

Step 1) Check out the weekly story prompt

Step 2) Click Submit Anecdote

Step 3) Type up a fun memory (350 words or less)

*BONUS: Add other anecdotes as you remember tales to share from your past. (Think of it like time around a campfire with best buds, catching up with girl friends, or connecting with family of various ages over dinner). Have fun! 

“Weekly Prompt”

October 17 – 21:

Picky Eater                           Submit Anecdote

Editor’s Example:

Finicky Food” by

My family loves food with few exceptions. Lots of kids don’t like vegetables. I noticed that at school or when I babysat. My mom followed special diets when she looked after other’s kids on a regular basis. But no kid was as fussy as one little boy who stayed with us one day. I have never seen anything like it before or since.

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Last “Weekly Winner” & Featured Story:

Prompt: Detention

Too Late” by

A kid on the bus started to feel threatened by me to the point that he began toting a knife to school. There was something not quite right about that kid. (But that’s another story: See Bus Stopper). I happened to be sick the day he was planning on knifing me. Rather than escalate the conflict I decided to get a ride to school from my mom. She had been driving the stragglers who missed the bus more and more anyway.

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Last Updated: November 15, 2018

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